Microbiome Restoration with Expert Panel
Join us for a panel discussion of microbiome restoration on Sunday, April 6th, 3-4:30pm Pacific.
Mark Davis, ND, FABNG
Andrea McBeth, ND
Dawn Whitten, BNat(Hons) IBCLC
Jason Hawrelak, PhD, BNat(Hons)
Sharon Erdrich, MHSc, PhD Cand
Carly Polland, ND
Members: FREE
Login to your member account, click “Account” in the top right hand corner and click “View” under “GastroANP Members” to find the coupon code to be entered at checkout!
Non-members: $59
A Zoom link will be sent to your registered email the week of the event.
Join us for a panel discussion of microbiome restoration on Sunday, April 6th, 3-4:30pm Pacific.
Mark Davis, ND, FABNG
Andrea McBeth, ND
Dawn Whitten, BNat(Hons) IBCLC
Jason Hawrelak, PhD, BNat(Hons)
Sharon Erdrich, MHSc, PhD Cand
Carly Polland, ND
Members: FREE
Login to your member account, click “Account” in the top right hand corner and click “View” under “GastroANP Members” to find the coupon code to be entered at checkout!
Non-members: $59
A Zoom link will be sent to your registered email the week of the event.
Join us for a panel discussion of microbiome restoration on Sunday, April 6th, 3-4:30pm Pacific.
Mark Davis, ND, FABNG
Andrea McBeth, ND
Dawn Whitten, BNat(Hons) IBCLC
Jason Hawrelak, PhD, BNat(Hons)
Sharon Erdrich, MHSc, PhD Cand
Carly Polland, ND
Members: FREE
Login to your member account, click “Account” in the top right hand corner and click “View” under “GastroANP Members” to find the coupon code to be entered at checkout!