About the GastroANP
Who We Are
The Gastroenterology Association of Naturopathic Physicians are a group of dedicated practitioners specialized in the treatment of digestive disorders using the principles of naturopathic medicine coupled with the latest evidenced-based research. We have come together to build a community of like-minded naturopathic physicians and students to share research, clinical knowledge, practice tips and other relevant topics within this body of knowledge. Through the use of our community forum, conferences, and webinars we provide useful information with direct application of the treatment of digestive disorders in clinical practice.
GastroANP Mission
The Gastroenterology Association of Naturopathic Physicians is committed to advancing the philosophy, science, research and practice of naturopathic gastroenterology by serving as the world’s leading resource for information on the unique perspective that naturopathic medicine brings to the understanding and treatment of gastrointestinal disease and dysfunction.
Vision Statement
To enhance physician understanding and patient outcomes through education and research in the field of gastroenterology.
To advance treatment options and protocols by melding time-honored naturopathic philosophies and treatments with cutting edge laboratory technologies and the latest research findings.
To influence and expand educational opportunities for naturopathic physicians and students by pursuing resources to both enhance existing programs and create new opportunities for post-graduate education.
To promote and strengthen the role of the naturopathic physician in the field of gastroenterology, both today and in the future.
Our goal is to encourage and facilitate active dialogue among our members in order to elevate and enhance the education of naturopathic physicians in the field of gastroenterology.
Through this goal, we strive to raise the standard of care for GI disease within our naturopathic programs and within the profession as a whole.